Pcb Software For Mac

Pcb design software for macPcb Software For Mac

Free Pcb Software For Mac


Pcb Software For Mac

Stable Release
  • Windows openboardview-8.0-win32.zip
  • macOS OpenBoardView-8.0-Darwin.dmg
  • Debian openBoardView_8.0-1_amd64.deb
  • Debian openboardview_8.0-1_i386
  • RedHat openboardview-8.0-1.x86_64.rpm
Development Release / Source

Windows edition does not require installing. Run directly from a folder. Please note, this build only works on Windows 7 or later.

OS X version requires macOS 10.9 or later

  • Dynamic part outline rendering, including complex connectors
  • Annotations, for leaving notes about parts, nets, pins or location
  • Configurable colour themes
  • Configurable DPI to facilitate usage on 4K monitors
  • Tablet usage with OSD controls
  • Slower CPU systems through adjustable features
  • Reads FZ (with key), BRD, BRD2, BDV and BV* formats
  • Combined search system finds parts, pins and nets all within single search
  • IRC: #openboardview on irc.freenode.net

Pcb Design Software For Mac

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